Reboot And Recover Complete

A very big THANK YOU to the whole team at UKWebFast, especially Susie, for holding up the fort whilst Laura and I went on a very welcomed and long awaited holiday! Not easy finding the time to get away and switch off when running a business but thanks to a really strong and competent team we were able to sneak away for 2 weeks to Panama.

If you have never been I strongly recommend it…a truly stunning country with loads to do. Highlight of the holiday were the San Blas islands where there wasn’t even any electricity let along an internet connection!!





Back to work and trying to ignore all the amazing sport on the TV at the moment!


Introducing Diana Hill

We are pleased to officially introduce you to the newest member of our team.

Diana Hill - UKWebFast SEO Executive

Diana joined us last week as our Senior SEO Executive. She brings over three years of experience working with the integration of online marketing and social media marketing. She has worked with a variety of clients from venture capital firms to start ups providing online marketing services and helpful guidance.

She has a great deal to contribute to our understanding of the practice of search engine optimization and social media marketing and we are very excited about her joining our Cheltenham team. Welcome!

Possessing a genuine passion for great online marketing we are looking forward to Diana putting her expertise and skills to great use here at UkWebFast and actively raising the profiles of all our customer’s businesses.

Exciting times for the whole team at UKWebFast.

Sick and tired of manual marketing? Try online marketing to achieve your goals.

If you have a question and you want an answer fast what do you do? Like me you would probably type it into Google and click on one of the first sites you see that looks relevant to your query. These days everyone is searching services and products online and if your business isn’t there you are seriously missing out on a huge number of opportunities.

internet marketing cheltenham

There are several goals that that your online presence can fulfill:

1)      Flexible Advertisement: Keeping an online presence is a lot cheaper than print advertisement. You can easily make amendments as it’s very flexible.

2)      Present your brand & win trust: Make it easy to represent your services and tell customers about yourself. It helps to win trust and confidence from your customers.

3)      Market expansion: Easy market expansion to geographical territories. Your service and sales person can do a lot more with the power of the internet at their finger tips.

4)      Internet is the Most popular tool among people: Everyone these days uses the internet either on a PC or their mobile Phone.

5)      People can reach you anytime: People can visit your services 24/7. No more turning customers away when it’s time to close shop or a public holiday, you can always tell them to visit your website for the information they are looking for.

6)      Convenient to your customers: To people it’s more convenient to search anything online than drive somewhere to find information on what they are looking for. People can visit your website in their own time and privacy.

7)      Opens the door to market research: You can easily do market research with online polls to understand what your customers like. This helps to improve your business.

UKWebFast has a rich portfolio and employs proven techniques to provide you with a unique online presence to make your business succeed. Please visit for more information on our services and feel free to give us a call anytime.

Server Hosting – What is to know?

Server hosting is a space where your website lives on the internet. Websites and web pages are made up of files and folders like those on your PC and these files and folders collectively make up your website. Your website host provides you space on their server in a data center where you can upload your files and folders to.


Why we need to keep files on a web server?

As a website owner we want people to be able to access our site whenever they wish. Therefore we need our website to have 24/7 access to the internet and the connection needs to be very powerful to handle all the traffic you are hopefully getting! Such a powerful internet connection is something most companies cannot afford to have at home.

About web space and bandwidth

Web space is measured in megabytes. For a very basic website web space starts at 50MB but it can be much more depending on your website requirements.

Bandwidth is the amount of data that your website can transmit to users. Servers need to have good bandwidth so that multiple users can access your website at the same time.

Free Website Hosting: Sometimes companies offer you free web hosting and provide very limited services. Such a service is supported by advertisement. They will most likely ask you to place their ads on your website for promotion of their products.

Virtual dedicated Server Hosting: Having a virtual dedicated server means you get your own space on a much large server. The larger server is virtually split into different severs.

Shared Hosting: In shared hosting the same server space is used for hosting different websites. This is the most cost effective hosting service for small business and basic websites.

Dedicated Web hosting service: Dedicated web hosting is made for large websites. In this case you will have full control on your server and hosting.

Choosing right hosting company

Your Web hosting company should be reliable for your own reputation so that you don’t make a bad impression on your clients or you are going to lose sales when your server is down.

Also before going for a company please ensure your hosting company provides 24*7 supports and an easy functional control panel.

Many Website hosting companies also provide other value added services as well like registration of domain names and facility of e-mail services. Most of the companies provide 1-10 email addresses for budget packages and higher end packages can get a higher number of email addresses.

If you want to know more and compare prices for the different hosting packages then please have a look at the UKWebFast pricing page.

With HTML you can create your first web page yourself

Hello readers! Create your first webpage with simple text editor Notepad.

Open up your notepad and type into it this:

My First Heading

My first paragraph.

Save as index.html or any name (but with .html extension) to your desktop and then go to the desktop and double click the file to open it in the web browser.

website development uk

Your first web page is ready!

Now a quick introduction to the tags used above.

All the web pages go between the starting html() and the closing html(

Body tags ( )  forms the body of the web page.

Headings go between


stands for a paragraph tag.

Try changing the text in


tags. Save the file and refresh the browser and then you can view the changes there.

Looks easy doesn’t it!?

Google Panda & Penguin friendly SEO and Websites – What are they?

The latest Google Penguin (Penguin 4) launched a few days back on May 22nd, 2013.

The last Google Panda (Panda #25) update was on March 14, 2013.

What are these two releases and how are they related to our websites?

mobile website design cheltenham

Google Panda: 

Google Panda filters websites with poor quality content and reduces their ranking.

We can put these websites into two categories: a) Low value for user because of low quality content used and b) Websites that copy content from other websites.

Panda targets the pages that are not spam but are of low quality. Even if you are posting a blog for yourself do not use it for a guest posting as well as this will have a negative effect on your blogs popularity with Google.

If you remember that your website has a copy content or repeated content then please modify your website and wait for Google to crawl it again so that you can get back your lost ranking due to panda updates.

So having unique, interesting and new content websites are basically Panda friendly websites.

web design company cheltenham

Google Penguin:

This is basically an algorithm to target web spam. If websites are violating e.g. keyword stuffing (over use of keywords) then this is considered to be “black hat” SEO.

Other examples of Google Penguin spam is:

-       Low quality blog and article marketing.

-       Aggressive exact anchor text (try to use different names for internal links).

If you saw major traffic losses after Google Panda and Penguin releases then it is highly likely these two updates will be the culprit.

Your Google Webmaster accounts can tell you any messages about spam activity or a penalty so don’t forget to check your .

It has been made clear with these two recent releases that only good quality websites will rank well in the Google search engines.

If you need any advice on this then please do contact UKWebFast and we will be happy to help.

Posted in Google | 2 Replies

Keyword targeting with Google

 What are keywords?

A keyword is a website page topic or the name of a service – the more often a keyword is used by searchers and websites the higher the competition. Keywords tend to be anything from 1 to 5 word phrases that potential clients type into Google to find your website. For example we at UKWebFast target phrases such as “Mobile Web Design”.

Finding keywords SEO in cheltenham

Where can I find keywords?

Google offer  to test and search for keywords. This tool is a worldwide standard and can help you to choose keywords for your business.Here you can collect ideas on which keywords you can concentrate your attention. If you are unsure or would just like some advice then please do get in touch as we would be more than happy to help.

How does a keyword tool work?

When you type in a phrase, website name or any word, it will list all similar words with a count that represents its global monthly searches and also local monthly searches. There is also a column which shows the competition for the keyword or phrase.

How do keywords help?

Using keywords help people find your business online. A good place to start is by using strong keywords in website titles and page names. Even if you haven’t had your website built yet thinking about what keywords you might target is always a good idea.

What to avoid?

Overuse of a keyword on a webpage is called keyword stuffing. If a keyword is used in a title then try to avoid repeating it in the descriptive text. Search engines will flag pages as spam where they find the use of keywords in too many places. This stops website owners creating hidden pages filled with just keywords.

Check the rank of keywords on your SEO campaign  is a very useful tool to check how your keywords are being ranked so that you can track your progress.

If you are looking for SEO in Cheltenham or Gloucestershire then please do contact us today. UKWebFast can help your website move from page 30 to page 1 in just a few months dramatically improving traffic to your site.


How Google finds your website?

The website ranking in search engines work very similar to how children grow up. First they crawl then they walk and then they begin to run. Similarly when we start SEO in the first month Google start crawling a website.

Googlebot is one of main crawlers Google use. These crawlers visit websites and computer programs decide how often they will return to a website based on many factors such as PageRank, links to a page etc. Any number of factors can affect the crawl frequency of website.

A crawler is also sometimes called a spider or a robot. Just like how a spider crawls its web to inspect and maintain it, Google crawls the World Wide Web (www).

How Google Works1

Why Google needs to crawl?

If we wanted to search for a lost or misplaced file on our own computer then we would use our file searcher to find it. This search tool crawls your computer to find the relevant file. Similarly Google needs to crawl through billions of web files on millions of different servers to find websites to index content and keywords that are relevant to your Google search.

The process of crawling

The process of crawling collects pages from the web to generate a structure or a file a bit like the index at the end of a book.

If we want our website to be listed in this index file then we must attract these crawlers to our webpages by using the correct keywords and phrases.

How Google starts crawling?

It starts with what is called “seed urls” like,, etc

These are called authoritative seed urls. Google will find all internal links under this main url and put them in a queue.

It will then fetch each particular page/link in the queue finding internal links in that particular page and add them back to the main queue.

This is done through the links on the pages and the Sitemap.xml file.

In layman terms the easier your website is to navigate the easier Google can crawl your website and find the relative links and phrases to help push you higher up the queue. The eventual aim is to be at the top of the queue – page one of Google!

What spiders do when they crawl?

When spiders visit a website they read content and meta tags and find internal links and urls. It is important to use unique and original content, which is updated regularly to get their attention.


In the first month of your SEO campaign with UKWebfast we get Google to crawl your website by adding a few links and key word phrases. The next step is to have your website walking about and we do this by making you look more established in the eyes of Google with regular content updates, link building and white collar SEO tactics.

Then finally your website will begin to run and will get to the top of Google. The plan is to keep it running so no one can knock you off the top spot!

Which is Better – an App or a Mobile Website?

As most people use their Smartphone to browse the mobile web, we are frequently asked for advice by potential clients on whether to go for an App or a mobile website.

Well when it comes to deciding whether to build a native app or a mobile website, the most appropriate choice really depends on your end goals. If you are developing an interactive game an app is probably going to be your best option. But if your goal is to offer mobile-friendly content to the widest possible audience then a mobile website is probably the way to go. In some cases you may decide you need both a mobile website and a mobile app, but it’s pretty safe to say that it rarely makes sense to build an app without already having a mobile website in place.

Generally speaking, a mobile website should be considered your first step in developing a mobile web presence, whereas an app is useful for developing an application for a very specific purpose that cannot be effectively accomplished via a web browser.


Advantages of a Mobile Website over an App:

1) Mobile Websites Are Instantly Available
A mobile website is instantly accessible to users via a browser across a wide range of devices (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, etc). Apps on the other hand require the user to first download and install the app from an app marketplace before the content or application can be viewed – a significant barrier between initial engagement and action/conversion.

2) Mobile Websites Reaches A Larger Audience
A single mobile website can reach users across many different types of mobile devices, whereas native apps require a separate version to be developed for each type of device. Furthermore, mobile website URLs are easily integrated within other mobile technologies such as SMS, QR Codes and near field communication (NFC).

3) Mobile Websites Can Be Updated Instantly
A mobile website is much more dynamic than an app in terms of pure flexibility to update content. If you want to change the design or content of a mobile website you simply publish the edit once and the changes are immediately visible; updating an app on the other hand requires the updates to be pushed to users, which then must be downloaded in order to update the app on each type of device.

4) Shareability – Mobile Websites Can be Shared Easily by Publishers And Between Users
Mobile website URLs are easily shared between users via a simple link (e.g. within an email or text message, Facebook or Twitter post). Publishers can easily direct users to a mobile website from a blog or website, or even in print. An app simply cannot be shared in this fashion.

5) LifeCycle – Mobile Websites Can’t Be Deleted
The average shelf-life of an app is pretty short, less than 30 days according to some research, so unless your app is something truly unique and/or useful (ideally both), it’s questionable how long it will last on a user’s device. Mobile websites on the other hand are always available for users to return to them.

6) A Mobile Website Can Replace an App!
Just like a standard website, mobile websites can be developed as database-driven web applications that act very much like native apps. A mobile web application can be a practical alternative to native app development.

7) Time and Cost – Mobile Websites Are Easier And Less Expensive
Last but certainly not least, mobile website development is considerably more time and cost-effective than development of a native app, especially if you need to have a presence on different platforms (requiring development of multiple apps).

When Does an App Make Sense?

1) Interactivity/Gaming – for interactive games (think Angry Birds) an app is almost always going to be your best choice, at least for the foreseeable future.

2) Regular Usage/Personalisation – If your target users are going to be using your app in a personalised fashion on a regular basis (think EverNote) then an app provides a great way to do that.

3) Complex Calculations or Reporting – If you need something that will take data and allow you to manipulate it with complex calculations, charts or reports (think banking or investment) an app will help you do that very effectively.

4) No connection Required – If you need to provide offline access to content or perform functions without a network/wireless connection then an app makes sense.

In Conclusion

As long as mobile remains a relatively new frontier, the “app vs web” question will remain a very real consideration for organisations seeking to establish a mobile presence. If your mobile goals are primarily marketing-driven, or if your aim is to deliver content and establish a broad mobile presence that can be easily shared between users and found on search engines, then the a mobile website is the logical choice. On the other hand, if your goal is interactive engagement with users, or to provide an application that needs to work more like a computer program than a website, then an app is probably going to be required.
Please feel free to contact the team at UKWebFast if you would like input on whether an app or a mobile website might be the right fit for your organization’s needs. We will genuinely give you an honest answer and if it is an app you need we will point you in the right direction.

6 Steps on how we do SEO

SEO process-

1) Keyword Research – We find the keyword phrases that people type into search engines to find a business like yours.

2) We learn all that we can about your business. We want to know who your competition is and who is currently on page one and why.


3) We look at how your website is coded and provide help on how to improve it for SEO. The cost for this will depend on how your site is built but we can supply you with a list of suggestions or even update it for you.

4) After making the edits discussed to your site, we would create and submit a Sitemap for indexing.

5) Getting your business social is also a good idea. We can help your business create social media accounts and images for these pages. We add links to these pages on your website which all helps with your SEO campaign.

6) Once your site has been modified we would then start you off on a SEO campaign tailored to your needs. This includes building back links and updating website content regularly to boost your sites popularity with Google, thus improving organic search results.